Ben Franklin once said “do well by doing good”- a mission that is engrained in Good Spirit Farm. We look to bring good to the greater community through sustainable practices, charitable giving, community building, and even a homegrown national forest. We strive to connect our customers with opportunity to give back, in hopes that the good reaches well beyond our fences.

The principles of our farm are as foundational as the land itself.

  • Find ways to give back - no matter how big or small - to people, the community, and the planet as a whole.

  • Pitch in where needed. Nothing is “not my job”

  • Meet others where they are. Share knowledge and remember we’re all students of life.

  • Enjoy the simple things. We take what we do seriously, but not ourselves.

  • Be the person who brightens someone else’s day. Welcome all with a warm heart and an open mind.

  • Deliver quality in all regards - product, people, and experience.

Visit Us

123 Demo Street
Accord, NY 12345


(555) 555-555